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17 April 2008

According to CTV...

The government was an unindicted co-conspirator...
The trial of three former Canadian Forces reservists charged in the beating death of a homeless man came to an abrupt halt Thursday when the three men agreed to plead guilty to lesser offences.
Now, this was an appalling crime, but it seems CTV wasn't satisfied with reporting on the men who were actually convicted in court.

In a soundbite at the end of their television reporting... which does not appear anywhere on their website... CTV interviews a man who worked at a homeless shelter and apparently knew the murdered man.

This guy mentions the victim's mental illness and his paranoic belief that the government was trying to kill him, ending with the statement... "and at the end of the day he was right."



RELATED: I can hear Lloyd now...

He'll be praising the Liberal Party for thinking... "outside the box."
However, millions of dollars went to Liberal-friendly advertising and communications firms without proper accounting and often for fictitious work.