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15 March 2008

Yeah... those crazy, violent Buddhists...

Are totally off the chain...

China is accusing rioters in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa of killing at least 10 people in violent protests Friday. The demonstrations against Chinese rule in Tibet were the worst there in nearly two decades.
Why can't the Tibetans be more like the pacifistic, benevolent Chinese government?


RELATED: Will the West simply stand by and watch?
-- BEIJING -- China ordered tourists out of Tibet's capital Saturday while troops on foot and in armoured vehicles patrolled the streets and confined government workers to their offices, a day after riots that a Tibetan exile group said left at least 30 protesters dead.

China is gambling that its crackdown will not bring an international outcry over human rights violations that could lead to boycotts of the Olympics.

UPDATE: China tightens the screws.
