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03 March 2008

UBC threat neutralised?

In a decidedly "good news" story... it looks like the cops finally got "ahead of the pitch".
-- VANCOUVER -- Police in Vancouver have charged a 19-year-old UBC student in connection with a pair of threats against the campus that resulted in lockdowns.

Hwi Lee, 19, was taken into custody without incident Friday, ending a month-long investigation. He will make a court appearance later this month.

Mr. Lee faces charges of two counts of uttering threats and two counts of mischief. He was released on conditions not to got to the University of British Columbia, surrender his passport and not to own firearms.
Strangely... we're not getting a lot of detail here. You'd think everybody would be crowing about a tragedy averted.

I wonder what the problem is...
Police and university executive refused to say where he was from and his area of study and they refused to discuss the specific nature of the threat.


"Was kind of amusing that all the law students, upon being told NOT to go to the biosciences building, promptly went to the biosciences building."

RELATED: What's up with British Columbia anyway?
It’s a happy ending, but the story itself is appalling.

Imagine just how bad it had to get for B.C. to pass a law to specifically protect libraries from “prior restraint” censorship lawsuits.

The solution was “unique” in all of North America, because the problem was unique in all of North America.

I’m going to call it "Warman’s Law".

LAST WORD: Apparently, I spoke too soon
"Ontario needs to follow B.C.'s lead, and enact their own version of "Warman's Law" to protect their libraries from his threats."