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13 March 2008

That sound your hear...

In the background... is Red Tory weeping tears of joy...
-- MONTREAL -- A judge has quashed the decree that allows Canadian foreign affairs ministers to refuse a passport on national-security grounds. A summary court release states that the decision by Mr. Justice Simon Noël of the Federal Court involved a passport application by a Montreal man, Fateh Kamel.
So... who exactly is Fateh Kamel?
He has been described by authorities as a terror suspect involved in the same ring as Ahmed Ressam, the so-called Millennium Bomber. The Algerian-born Mr. Kamel served four years in France after being convicted of supplying bogus passports to Islamic militants.

“Kamel was a key member of the Mujahedeen Islamic terror network,” the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says in court documents.

Mr. Kamel, who has Canadian citizenship, has moved back to Montreal where he is married. He turned to the Federal Court for a judicial review after his passport application was turned down.
Once again... our wonderful Charter of Trudeaupia pulls some terrorist's chestnuts outta the fire.
Saying that the rejection contravened the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Judge Noël has given Ottawa six months to redraft the law.

Mr. Kamel denies the allegations against him.
I'll bet he does.



"time to end dual citizenship and set a 4 year deadline to make up your mind"

"are you a Canadian or not?"