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22 March 2008

A terrible, indelible experience...

For this girl's friends and family... which apparently... the Red Star is only too happy to try turn into a case of police malfeasance...
"It's been almost two weeks since an 18-year-old Brampton student disappeared in Ottawa, and her family is complaining the police are taking the weekend off."
Is the Star actually trying to suggest policing is a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 job?

They also seem to be implying that this girl has met with "foul play"... and that the police are, for whatever unknown reason, only marginally concerned with searching for her.

Which is absolutely... not even remotely... close to the truth.
A police airplane has already done an aerial search of the campus and surrounding areas.

On Wednesday, family members searched the perimeter of the campus, which included help from a search-and-rescue dog and handler.
In its relentless pursuit of "establishment conspiracy", the Star just happens to ignore a few inconvenient facts.
Nadia's mother says they fear something horrible has happened, but they won't give up. "It's tough not knowing," Chevalier added. She said that Nadia seemed to be depressed lately and had an argument with a friend (apparently her boyfriend) Sunday, the same day she went missing.

Nadia's grandmother in Brampton, Menna Chevalier, said she "was in terrible shape and couldn't sleep." Nadia returned to Brampton last week for spring break but "wasn't well," according to her grandmother.
Now... heaven forbid anything has happened to this young girl... but her well-being... as sure as the sun rises in the east... doesn't hang on any sort of neglect by the local police force.

But don't tell that to the Toronto Star.


UPDATE: Yeah... that's some "police conspiracy"
Ottawa Police Sgt. Uday Jaswal, a qualified master searcher who has experience looking for missing persons, said they have used a marine unit to comb the banks of the Rideau River after receiving new information.

“We are currently interviewing friends and family and are looking at information from other sources, including video cameras,” Jaswal said, adding that police are still holding out hope they’ll “make contact with her soon.”

Police believe no foul play was involved in her sudden disappearance.