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14 March 2008

Stand by for breaking news...

On fairies stealing babies and replacing them with changelings...

I mean, lemme see if I understand... what Don Peat of the Toronto Sun is saying here...
"A shotgun-shell firing revolver called The Judge "COULD BE" the next big, bad thing in Toronto's gangland arsenal."
Good lord, that sounds horrific... should we all be heading to our basement bomb shelters?

Well, apparently... not just yet.
"Canadian cops say they know about the gun but "THEY HAVEN'T SEEN IT" on the streets yet."
Damn... I bet Wendy Cukier was getting all hot and bothered.

Hey, Don... what about a five part series... on non-existent grenades, lasers, or hey... photon torpedoes?

'Cos we sure don't wanna let the facts get in the way of a good story, huh?


"The Judge has been on the market in the US for about 4 years now. One of the American cops they quote in the article comments that they have NEVER seen reports of The Judge being used by gangsters."

"They like their gold plated Desert Eagles, and a revolver just ain't cool enough for a Crip, Blood or other such scumbag."