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11 March 2008

A little unclear on the concept

Every time I hear about this kind of Fiberal grandstanding, I think of the Far Side cartoon where the dog is leaning out the car window... gleefully telling his canine buddies that he's going to the vet... to get tutored...
“It runs the risk of putting the balanced budget of our government into a Liberal deficit,” Mr. Flaherty said. “We are not going to run a deficit, so we are going to kill the bill.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's gambit puts dozens of Liberal MPs in the uncomfortable position of potentially reversing their support for a colleague in order to stick with Leader Stéphane Dion's decision last month to back the government's budget and avoid an election.
Let's see how flexible those Liberals really are.


RELATED: What they're really, really good at...

Is eating their own young...
“We dithered, and so all the safe places were taken and we were left with Kandahar.”