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19 March 2008

Like Federal, like Provincial

Apparently... just like their big brothers in Ottawa... the McGuinty Liberals believe... "there is no problem so big... it cannot be run away from."
-- BRANTFORD -- Tension is mounting over unresolved Six Nations land claims, as native activists continued Tuesday to keep construction workers off the site of a hotel being built in Brantford.

A site supervisor and one worker arrived in the early morning rain Tuesday at the site of the $10.5-million Hampton Inn Hotel and an adjoining plaza in the early stages of construction at Oak Park and Fen Ridge roads, just south of Highway 403.

They found a group of native activists led by Floyd and Ruby Montour blocking the entrance with vehicles and flags, just as they have for the past few days.
So where is Dalton, or more importantly Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant?
The issue also found its way into the Ontario legislature, where Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett attempted to corner Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant over native protests in Brantford blocking development.

"Minister, your government tells developers not to pay the fees and then tells them they're on their own," Barrett said in the legislature. "When will you actually take action to stop this extortion?"

Bryant did not answer the question.
Call this one... "No answer... no funeral."


"Toby regularly sends me his updates and news releases. Well this one was quite interesting. In the last "10" months the Ontario Legislature has only sat for "8" days!"