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08 March 2008

The Leftosphere should be happy

At least he didn't get tasered...
A burglar rummaging through a west end pharmacy was shot dead today after he fought with the police officer who stumbled across the break-in.

The shooting happened just before 4 am at Solarski's Pharmacy on Garden and Roncesvalles Aves.
In another account of the shooting... the "Red Star" stops just shy of using the words "Police Death Squad."


UPDATE: Looks like I spoke too soon...

The Globe and Mail IS talking about death squads...
Elmo Harris from Niagara, Canada writes: "More murder and mayhem by our police. Police weapons need to be substantially reduced in power to about 32 calibre. There have been far too many deaths caused by the police lately.

Even more disturbing are the curious circumstances surrounding those deaths. This cop is by himself, he hears an alarm going and a window broken and he doesn't radio it in? Come on!"
See, Elmo... I was thinkin' the headline should have actually been... "Violent junkie burglar killed... neighbours breathe sigh of relief."

I guess that doesn't work for you, huh?
