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04 March 2008

I'm with Mayor David Miller...

Obviously... what the city of Toronto really needs... is more social workers...
Offers of help and support are pouring in for Sean Malon, a Brantford man being sued for support of three children he never fathered.

Malon, 40, received the paperwork in January from Toronto social services, alleging he fathered three children, aged 4 to 14, with Christine Gregory, a woman he's never met.

Both Gregory and the city have acknowledged Malon is not the children's father.
Of course, as usual, no one is at fault... but Sean Malon still ends up paying the freight here.
City lawyers have said they did not "instigate, control or direct" the litigation against Malon, but only acted on information provided by Gregory, the children's mother.
Good grief.
