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23 March 2008

Hey, relax bro... it's no big deal

If we can't find any dastardly 'Joos'... we'll just kill each other...
Clashes have broken out between Palestinian factions in a refugee camp in southern Lebanon. The fighting was between members of the Fatah faction and an Islamist group called Jund al-Sham.

It took place in the densely populated Ain al-Hilwe refugee camp, which is located on the outskirts of the southern city of Sidon. Fighters launched rockets and exchanged gunfire in the middle of the camp, causing dozens of civilians to flee.
Who exactly, are these homicidal freaks?
Lebanese and Palestinian officials said one Fatah member was killed and four others wounded, the Associated Press news agency reported.

RELATED: One potato, two potato...

The... yet again... capricious, unknowable "Will of Allah."
Iraqi officials say insurgents attacks in Baghdad and northern Iraq have killed at least 40 people.

In the Iraqi capital Sunday, gunmen in several cars opened fire on pedestrians in a religiously mixed southern district, killing seven people. A suicide car bomber also killed at least six people in a Shi'ite neighborhood (Shula) of Baghdad.
Oh, man... when it rains, it pours.
