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02 March 2008

Hanging teenagers from lampposts...

Beating up women... and setting booby traps in the middle of the night... all hail the brave jihadis...
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A Canadian soldier was killed in a explosion southwest of Kandahar city today, just before he was scheduled to leave Afghanistan.

Canadian troops were driving supplies to an Afghan army outpost when a roadside bomb hit their convoy at 3:45 p.m., roughly 45 kilometres southwest of Kandahar city, near a cluster of villages known as Mushan.
The soldier has been identified as Trooper Michael Yuki Hayakaze, 25, of Lord Strathcona's Horse, based out of Edmonton.

He will be remembered.


It's curious how the almighty "Will of Allah" isn't reassuring enough for Timmy Taliban to risk going head to head with Canadian troops. They're gonna stick with sneaking around like rats and setting booby-traps... in between terrorising the hapless civilian populace.
The Taliban have also shifted their tactics, preferring to hit the well-armoured foreign troops with large bombs buried in the road instead of attacking them directly.

The insurgents have rarely enjoyed success with fighting the Canadians face-to-face.
But I'm guessing that ain't gonna stop Jacko and the usual lot of Che-suckers from doing their macabre dance yet again.

