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28 March 2008

Gives a whole new meaning...

To the TTC buzz-phrase... "Red Rocket."

News reports are beginning to come in about a firefight at Toronto's Spadina subway station...
"Heavy gunfire erupted on a subway train just after 8pm on Friday. Early reports suggest two groups may have been involved in a shootout and one woman was apparently hit by a bullet in the leg."

"One of the shooters has been described as a black male in his late teens or early 20s. He's 5'8, with a medium build, wearing a black baseball cap with a jean jacket and jeans."

UPDATE: Women deliberately targeted
CTV reported that the incident was believed to have started in the north end of the city and that the victim and a second female had been arguing with a male suspect and another male for most of the trip before the gunman open fired on the train full of riders making their way downtown.
Now, it's the Globe & Mail that claims CTV is reporting this event... but as of 11:30 pm it wasn't on the CTV news with Lisa LaPhlegm, or on their website.

CTV... where, apparently, there's no such thing as a bad boy.


LAST WORD: "Hey, beee-yotch... 'dispute' this!!!"
"There was a dispute between a man and a woman. She slapped him in the face and he took out a gun and shot her in the crotch," a plainclothes police investigator said at the scene.

Police were looking for a black male with a black jacket and a red patch on the front who ran from the northeast subway exit.
Oh yeah... the Toronto 'Red' Star had a slightly less complete description of the suspects...
"Police combed the area to try to find three male suspects, all between 18 and 20 years old and wearing dark-coloured clothing. One man had a beard and an athletic build, and another had braided hair."