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13 March 2008

The full O.J.

"Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd... nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."
-- BEIJING (Reuters) -- A Chinese bride burned her new husband to death after he got into bed after a drunken argument without washing his feet, state media reported on Wednesday.

RELATED: Music to my ears
Cooper told police she had become fed up with Watson telling her what to do during their two-year relationship. On the night of the killing, she tried to play a Springsteen CD and he took if off the stereo, triggering a bitter argument.

"I mean, who the hell doesn't like Bruce Springsteen, for God's sake?" Cooper told police in a record of interview presented to the court. "I just picked up a knife and I went 'boom.'"
Sleep tight Eliot Spitzer.
