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05 March 2008

The ever-roily petri dish...

That is the Gaza Strip... is back in the headlines...
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says peace talks with Israel can only resume when calm has been restored between Israel and militants in the Gaza Strip.
Well, that's it then... they're screwed.

But, wait a minute... apparently, that's not the last word.
However, in comments that apparently contradict this statement, Ms Rice told a news conference later that the Palestinian leader has said that a period of calm was "not a condition for the resumption of the talks".
Oops, spoke too soon...
Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, has rejected calls for a ceasefire and blames Israel for the violence.

"We are in a state of self-defence. When the siege and all forms of aggression come to a stop then we will see," its spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said on Tuesday.
And that concludes today's Middle East synopsis.
