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17 March 2008

Doin' it right...

Always nice to see our CBC "taxpayer dollars" in action.
-- OTTAWA -- Executives at Canada's public broadcaster have run up huge bills staying at luxury palace-like hotels in Europe where rooms go for a staggering $800-plus a night.

Documents obtained through Access to Information show former president and CEO of the taxpayer-funded CBC, Robert Rabinovitch, enjoyed a five-day stay at the posh Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel in Turkey.

The stay in September 2006 cost $4,377 to enjoy the hospitality of one of the world's most luxurious resort accommodations.
And what these guys lack in thriftiness... they make up for in consistency.
Documents also show that Nancy Lee, former head of CBC Sports, and her deputy David Masse, spent $8,590 over five days staying at the sister hotel to the Ciragan, the Kempinski Hotel Adlon in Berlin.
Hey, CTV... talk about a missed opportunity... "calling W5".


RELATED: Of course, you have to wonder...

While CBC execs are gallivanting all over Europe... who's keeping an eye on those troublemakers... Casey & Finnegan?
