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07 March 2008

Credit where credit is due

Well, whaddaya know... all that frantic swingin'... every once in a while you get to poke a thumb in your opponents eye...
The measure would cost the government $900-million and wreak havoc with projections contained in last week's federal budget, which predicted a razor-thin surplus of $2.3-billion in the next fiscal year and $1.3-billion the following year.
Let's get it on.


"No problem here, get rid of the CBC and there's your 900 mil. plus change."

LAST WORD: What do the eggheads say?
Don Drummond, chief economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank, said the McTeague plan would be far more dear than original Finance Department estimates suggest.

Mr. Drummond said tax deductible RESP contributions would eventually cost the treasury $2-billion a year because Canadians would flock to the program to get the tax break.