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14 February 2008

Ugly, pathetic...

And totally predictable.


UPDATE: Yup... totally predictable
More monsters under Warren's bed... time to declare another jihad.

UPDATE2: Feeling Warren's pain...
Scott Tribe is upset that evil Kathy Shaidle and monstrous Kate McMillan have both had op-eds in the National Post this week.

Which is pretty rich, considering he doesn't have a problem breaking bread with this piece of crap.

Hey, Scott... what's up with that?

LAST WORD: Hey, Special K...

You kiss your kids with that mouth?
"Given the e-mails he sends, Warren is in no position to complain about those he receives, and I can assure him, given my own healthy accumulation of death threats, that even in Canada he'll have a hard job persuading the coppers to take Mr Bucket's e-mail seriously."