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06 February 2008

The Princess... and the PEECEE

Well... they actually don't speak homo-sapiens at all... but, strangely enough, you don't see zoologists going apeshit...
“We never thought anyone would be offended,” said Mr. Gupta, who developed and wrote both commercials himself.

“The pandas are Chinese,” he said. “They don’t speak German.”
I've gotta confess... I find this sort of fuzzy-bunny nonsense as scary as any terrorist threat.
After last year’s Super Bowl, two spots were taken off the air. The Masterfoods USA unit of Mars stopped running a commercial for Snickers candy after some viewers complained the spot and related material on a Web site were homophobic.

The second spot, for General Motors, was withdrawn because some viewers complained it glorified suicide. After editing, that commercial returned to TV.
Is this how western civilisation ends... "not with a bang, but a politically correct whimper?"

Good grief.
