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02 February 2008

Perhaps we can catch it... in reruns

I've got an idea... maybe Salman Hossain can make a guest-appearance... playing himself...
Now I realize I'm missing all sorts of episodes of Little Mosque, because I can't imagine for a moment that such a show is not covering every fascinating aspect of the Canadian Islamic world.
See... that's exactly what this show needed... a few more reality-based scripts...
Such as the University of Toronto student who, as exposed in a report last week by The National Post, repeatedly has posted on the Internet that Canadian soldiers should be killed in Canada so that they cannot fight in Afghanistan.

"If there were any planned attacks against Canadian/American soldiers by Muslim militants in Canadian soil, I'll support it," writes Salman Hossain, currently enjoying an education heavily funded by tax dollars.

RELATED: Endlessly Divisible Canada
"Within the school system there will be division of language so each ethnic community can have their own language."

"For those kids who don't know the language of their ancestors, the Canadian government will pay for them to take lessons."

LAST WORD: The caring, compassionate left...
During Tuesday night's meeting – where the issue was debated and narrowly approved 11-9 – Trustees Josh Matlow and Stephnie Payne say they were subjected to taunts and name-calling, some of it racist, sexist and anti-Semitic.

After the vote, Payne, the only opposing black trustee, says someone told her: "Shame, shame, you should be fucking shot."

During the vote, Payne, in Matlow's hearing, was accused of being a "sellout" to the black community and "whitewashed."

Yesterday, Matlow said one member of the gallery swore at him and said, "We're going to shut the Jewish schools."

Another person came down the hallway after him, making the same threat.