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02 February 2008

Only a matter of time...

Before these folks are making headlines again...
Speaking to reporters as he left the memorial reception, Pauchay's brother Gary said both parents have been devastated by the tragedy.

He says Tracey Jimmy, the girls' mother, is expecting another child in April.
Yeah, that's just great...

Oh, by the way... how's ol' dad doing?
His brother hasn't told him much about what happened that night, Pauchay said.

"He just stares at me."

When reporters noticed an open bottle on the console of his car and asked how he was coping, Pauchay said simply, "having a beer."
That's funny... the CBC account skips over the "beer" part of the story.


UPDATE: Here's part of the problem...
"When we went to lay my grandchildren to rest I was very proud of Tracy and my son-in-law Chris because they were so strong. They're so young," Ms. Nippi said.

"She has a mother. She has a good mother like me. She has a good family support system set up here with her uncles and aunties."
Grandma's proud of the drunk who caused these two deaths. You're right, lady... that's some "family support system".



RELATED: Enjoying a killer social life
Startling new research reveals that aboriginal drug users living in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside are contracting HIV-AIDS at twice the rate of non-aboriginal users.

Lucy Barney, a nurse-researcher at the Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia and co-author of the paper, said "people congregate in social networks where they feel safe - with their peers."

"This is a real problem when your peers are addicts and end up sharing needles."