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12 February 2008

New Liberal Party motto...

In their absence, the motion passed easily, 172-27.
Hey, Steffi... maybe you shouldn't bother taking off your sneakers...
"I have heard that the Prime Minister might consider a vote on Afghanistan before the budget."

"I hope it's not true. It cannot be true. It would be completely irresponsible."
Stef, Stef... settle down... deep breaths...

If it's too hard... you can just run away again.


According to some posters: "Its okay for an unelected body of bootlickers to hold up legislation forever but its not okay for an elected body to pass laws."

LAST WORD: Just one more hurdle...
“The Canadian people through their elected representatives have spoken,” said Peter Van Loan, the government House leader.

“They want the Tackling Violent Crime Act passed and they want it passed now.”

The Tories still say that if the Liberal-dominated Senate doesn’t pass the crime bill by the end of the month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is prepared to ask the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and call an election.

It deals with issues such as violent and gun crimes, dangerous offenders and raising the age of sexual consent to 16 from 14.