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04 February 2008

Maybe St. Paul Martin...

Could donate his $150,000 salary to a worthy cause...
"Don't continue to call yourself a member of parliament if you can't bother to show up and do your job," Ontario NDP M.P. Charlie Angus said to CTV News of the former Liberal leader.
Not that charity is gonna do anything about representing his constituents.

Note that this may be one of the very few times, I've agreed with anything... and I mean anything... the Dippers have ever said...
Martin has been virtually invisible in the House of Commons since the 2006 election. Since the fall of the Liberal government, there have been 41 votes in the Commons. Martin showed up for 18 of those.

People in his riding say that Martin hasn't been at his constituency office in months. One person who works next door to the riding office told CTV that it's seven months since he's seen Martin.
Another very wealthy man just phonin' it in... your Liberal Party in action.

No wonder they're freakin' about Senate reform.


RELATED: His fellow pinko icon St. David...
Apparently wants to start chucking dissidents... into a gulag...