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29 February 2008

Look who's back in the news

Another alumnus of Ontario's fuzzy-bunny "catch and release" program...
Francis was convicted in the shooting death of Georgina "Vivi" Leimonis, in what became known as the Just Desserts murder on April 5, 1994 in Toronto.

A jury found him guilty of manslaughter and robbery after a trial that heard Francis had beaten patrons during the robbery of the cafe.

Leimonis, 23, died after being shot by Lawrence Augustus "Brown Man" Brown during the robbery.
Say, whatever happened to this guy's banger buddies?
Brown is currently serving a life prison sentence after being found guilty of first-degree murder.

A third man charged in the cafe slaying, O'Neil Grant, was acquitted. He was deported to Jamaica, where he was shot to death in November 2007.
Just something to think about... the next time Jack and Steffi start squawking about the Conservatives "Get Tough on Crime" bill.


"Latimer has to fight like a dog to get out because special interest groups are afraid it will send a shiver thru the disabled community."