"The human rights commission advised my lawyer that McGovern quit because of the public backlash against the commission -- and against her in particular. In other words, she didn't like being called a censor in the blogosphere."This bit here, though... is what they call the "money shot"...
"As I wrote in the Globe last month, at my interrogation, McGovern wanted to make small talk and shake my hand."Hey, baby... you're not paranoid -- the whole world -- IS watching...
"I upset her by not being complicit in my own prosecution."
"I'm not sympathetic. I believe that any government bureaucrat who makes a living interrogating citizens about their political beliefs ought to be held in public contempt."
What we see here is a petty bureaucratic tyrant who knows that the accusation alone is enough to find the defendant guilty, and that the whole procedure, as she understands it, is a waste of breath.And the big karmic wheel continues to turn.
She knows she’s not obligated to listen to a word the defendant says. It’s all she can do to restrain herself from cutting out paper dolls while Levant speaks.