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23 February 2008

I'm sitting here watching...

All the crowing and moaning in the media and the blogosphere... about John Tory taking a mere two thirds of the leadership vote... and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

Does anybody imagine, in their wildest dreams, that Stephane Dion would come anywhere close to that particular number if his alleged "leadership" were up for review?

The fact that Tory did this well, despite an organised campaign to unseat him, speaks, at minimum, to Tory's organisational skills.

I especially love the "fair and balanced opinion" the Globe got from Uber-Dipper Peter Kormos...
“Once again, they're left hanging. Mr. Tory has got to decide very, very quickly,” he added. “Otherwise, he risks squandering the support he does have.”
I mean, good grief... even Taliban Jack doesn't give a fig for whatever nonsense-of-the-day Kormos is invariably spouting.

The obvious argument here is over Tory's conservative credentials, but I sure don't see anybody with any sort of credibility stepping up and issuing a challenge.

Maybe everybody should step back and take a couple of deep breaths here... and perhaps we can try to have a reasonable discussion.

It doesn't seem like so much to ask.
