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01 February 2008

If he'll only "permit" it in Toronto...

Isn't Premier McSlippery calling this a "token school"?
-- KITCHENER, Ont. -- Ontario "won't hesitate" to prevent the segregation of kids according to race by quashing a proliferation of black-focused schools across the province if other school boards start following Toronto's lead, Premier Dalton McGuinty said Friday.

One day after McGuinty said he wouldn't overrule the Toronto District School Board's decision to establish one of Canada's first black-focused schools, McGuinty said he's not ruling out quashing the idea if Ontario boards start following suit.
The problem is, it's hard to take a principled stand... when you don't actually have any principles...
Critics, however, called McGuinty a "coward" for not overruling the Toronto board's decision when the government is clearly opposed to the idea.

Conservative Joyce Savoline said the Liberals are hypocrites for speaking out so strongly against the "segregation" of kids during the recent debate over the funding of religious schools, and then refusing to act now to stop the creation of a black-focused school.

"Why is it okay in Toronto but not okay in Windsor or in Ottawa or other places?" she said.

"If there is a reason to step in in other places, there is a reason to step in now."

RELATED: Dalton says, "It's not my job."
Premier Dalton McGuinty is urging Torontonians to pressure their school board trustees into overturning a controversial decision to create a black-focused school.

While stressing his disappointment in Toronto District School Board trustees, McGuinty conceded he would not amend the Education Act to outlaw something he has likened to segregation.

LAST WORD: Scratch a Liberal...
Find a condescending bastard.