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01 February 2008

I have one thing to say...

About Taliban Jack Layton's cynical ploy to split the left... I'm lovin' it.
-- OTTAWA -- NDP Leader Jack Layton says the Taliban cannot be defeated by international troops and there's no point continuing to fight an unwinnable war in Afghanistan.

"It's an endless mission. There's no end in sight. We say it's a dead end," Layton told reporters Thursday.
Jacko ends up tossin' a couple of completely inaccurate historical references into the pot... but that's beside the point... he's actually just tryin' to paint Steffi as a warmonger (yeah... i know) and scoop the "dumb as a bag o' hammers" demographic...
Such a move could split the Liberal caucus and pit its hawks and doves against each other – which would provide an added bonus to Layton and a silver lining to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

But if Dion, as expected, seeks a less stringent position than Layton, the NDP would surely cast itself as the sole proponent of peace.

That message would be aimed squarely at the left-leaning voters that the Liberals and NDP are battling for, and Layton was already testing it Thursday.
It's a gamble... especially in light of the way Canadian troops kick Taliban ass every time these cowardly psychopaths actually stand up and fight... but let's face it... Jacko really doesn't have a lot to lose here.

Viva la dumb-bot revolution! It's gonna be a winning strategy for us.


UPDATE: What are Jacko's pals up to anyway?
-- KANDAHAR -- A suicide bomber blew himself up yesterday in a mosque in southern Afghanistan, killing a deputy provincial governor and five other people in another blow to President Hamid Karzai's government.

At least 18 people, including two children, were wounded, he said.

LAST WORD: Hey, Bin-Layton... negotiate this
Al Qaeda fanatics plumbed sickening new depths yesterday when they turned two women with Down's syndrome into human bombs to kill 70 people in Baghdad.

The unwitting pawns were apparently fooled into wearing explosive vests which were then detonated remotely by mobile phones as the women mingled with crowds.