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20 February 2008

Horsemen of the Allahpocalypse

Who says Islam is a severe, uncompromising, inflexible religion?
-- KABUL -- U.S.-led coalition and Afghan troops detained 22 suspected insurgents and discovered nearly a half-tonne of heroin during separate operations in southern Afghanistan, the coalition said.

The joint forces detained 11 suspected insurgents Wednesday and discovered 450 kilograms of heroin north of the town Musa Qala in Helmand province, the coalition said in a statement. A large weapons cache and a heroin-processing lab were destroyed during the operation, it said.
You've got to hand it to these guys... poisoning the infidels and scoring megabucks off it... at the same time.
Officials estimate up to 40 per cent of the proceeds from the drug trade are used to fund the insurgency.
Sheer genius.
