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06 February 2008

The Holocaust

Apparently it was a lot closer than you might have previously thought...
The well-treed yard of the Woodland Cultural Centre is as good a place as any to look for evidence of Canada's "genocide" against natives, says former United Church minister Kevin Annett.

Speaking at Laurier Brantford at the beginning of an Ontario tour, the B.C. man said Tuesday the former residential school, called the Mohawk Institute, was the oldest in the country and certain to contain evidence of what he calls the systematic culling of native children.
And Kevin decides to get right to it...
But more than that, said Annett, children in residential schools were sometimes murdered and deliberately exposed to fatal diseases in an effort to reduce their numbers.
I sure hope Kevin's gonna take his "evidence" to the local police department.

I'd hate to think he's just running around making unfounded allegations.

Apparently, the once-upon-a-time United Church minister, who, coincidentally is leveling murder accusations against his former employer... is being celebrated by the local spokes-natives...
Janie Jamieson, one of the leaders in the Caledonia land dispute, said her people were made guinea pigs.

"My mother was not a survivor of the residential schools because, when I was three, she shot herself while I was home with her.
Now Janie, as tragic as that was... it still sounds like a pretty strange homicide to me.

And yes... there will be another inevitable tsunami of taxpayer-funded lawsuits...
John Garlow said that he's trying to start a class lawsuit for the "survivors of the survivors."

"I carry on my back scars of how my father was taught to discipline children," Garlow said.
Funny how that works.


RELATED: He was fired and defrocked...

But rest assured, that doesn't affect his opinions about the church.
"Of the 100,000 who went through the schools, it is estimated that at least 50,000 were killed."
Kinda looks like poor Kev spent way too much time in the alien-abduction end of the pool.

(h/t reader Rich)