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23 February 2008

Hang 'em high

I can't get over what passes for jurisprudence in Bin-Laden's old neighbourhood...
Prosecutors in Saudi Arabia have begun investigating 57 young men who were arrested on Thursday for flirting with girls at shopping centres in Mecca.

The men are accused of wearing indecent clothes, playing loud music and dancing in order to attract the attention of girls, the Saudi Gazette reported.
Perhaps I'd feel differently if I was the father of a teenage girl... but call me wacky... this just feels wrong.

Wasn't it the NDP who was supporting the implementation of Shariah in Ontario?
A report from former NDP attorney general Marion Boyd recommended the province allow and regulate Shariah arbitrations much the same way it does Christian and Jewish tribunals, setting off a firestorm of protests.
Where are they on this one?

(p.s. -- Don't worry, the Jews got told too.)


RELATED: Hey, Jacko... about that Darfur thing...

How would digging a few wells make this right?
"Every week, we have to face these kinds of events where the trucks are stopped by roadblocks - people, bandits, armed people who ask for money - take the trucks, take sometimes also the drivers," she said.

"It has been going on for many months now. Often the drivers are sent back and sometimes the food is stolen. Sometimes they even attack trucks without any food because they take the trucks."
I'm sorry Yoko... this ain't about "Imagination."

The stark reality is... this is just another third world "peace through superior firepower" kind of deal.

Just like Afghanistan.
