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25 February 2008

Geez, Darcey...

I'm a little concerned... I mean... "Where are you gonna get a harpoon, on such short notice?"
-- "sereousle u hav noooo fuckn clue what you got your self into get anybody u want no one is gonna stop me from kickn the fuck out of you tell the whole world i dont give a fuck if i go to jail or not any more you pushed me around too far n im fed up with this bs and this talking u guys are doin about me like i said google up the last name jeha and tell me wat u get buddy wat ur in olds thats wat 45 min away from me i dont care ill drive down ther just to prove to u that i aint all talk" --
Wait a sec... is that the banjo music from "Deliverance"? And what the hell warm, bloody, pulsating thing... is that crazy Metis guy eating?

UPDATE: Yikers, Moby... you're right
Look what happens when I google the name Jeha.