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24 February 2008

"Federal carbon tax proposed"

I see the freakin' headline and my first thought is... Stephen Harper's had a stroke!!!

Turns out though, it's just the pinko media playing parlour games again...
OTTAWA - A carbon tax of $30 a tonne, three times higher than the tax announced last week by the B.C. government, would be part of Tuesday's federal budget if the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives had its way.
And who exactly is the CCPA?
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is a union-funded "research institute" that has released a series of reports attacking the BC Liberal government.

NDP-Funded: The CCPA received over $400,000 in taxpayer money from the NDP between 1993 and 2001.

* The CCPA received a $200,000 grant from the NDP government just 18 days before the NDP called the 2001 election – for a 5-year study of "inequality" and "social justice."

* The CCPA received another $200,000 over 8 years (1993 through 2000) from the NDP government for subscriptions, etc. Even ICBC put up $24,000 for CCPA publications.
So, in actual fact... the headline should have read... "'NDP taxpayer-funded Shill' talkin' through their Ass, yet again."

Gotta love that MSM.

(h/t reader maureen)