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18 February 2008

Another Taliban screwup...

Sends dozens of Muslims to unscheduled hookup with Allah.
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Four soldiers were wounded during a suicide attack near Afghanistan's border with Pakistan that killed 38 civilians and wounded dozens more.

Military spokesman Lieutenant-Commander Pierre Babinsky sadi three of the wounded Canadian soldiers have already been released, but that one will remain in the hospital for observation.
Of course... the jihadis are spinning this as "striking a mighty blow" for Islam...
The Taliban said through spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi that it was responsible. When asked about the large number of civilian casualties, Mr. Ahmadi contended that 10 foreign soldiers and “a large number of police” had been killed.
Hey, Steffi... you still going with "Plan B"?

I can't wait to see you and Jacko Bin-Layton... negotiate peace with these guys.
