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29 January 2008

We've heard from the crazies...

How about we give equal time to the secular Muslim Canadian Congress?
“Islamic banking is nothing more than an attempt by Islamists, with backing from Middle Eastern financial institutions and their Western partners, to scare Muslim Canadians into believing that they should pay more to the banks and demand less in return, as an act of religiosity,” said MCC president Farzana Hassan in an open letter to CMHC.

It asked the Canadian housing agency to abandon its study into the issue, which it said it is costing $100,000, and said a better approach would be a banking system that seeks to integrate Canadians.
Alrighty... this is the voice in the Muslim community... that never seems to get those big headlines.
“What we need is a better deal from the banks for all Canadians, rather than dividing us up into religious groups and pacing obstacles in the way of better integration of all Canadians,” Ms. Hassan said.

“Religion has no place in the banking or mortgage industry.”
One people... one law.


UPDATE: This is interesting...

It appears as though the politically correct lapdogs at the Globe and Mail have watered down the actual statement...
"Sharia Banking is an obscene attempt to fleece an already marginalized Muslim community while promising them the exact opposite. On the one hand Imams are warning Muslims of hellfire if they deal with the existing banking systems, and on the other the same clerics are being paid by banks to herd Muslims towards a system that is based on lies and deception."
Well, well, well...
