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06 January 2008

A traditional Mideast welcome

"Now we direct an urgent call to our militant brothers in Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula ... to be ready to receive the Crusader slayer Bush in his visit to Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula in the beginning of January and to receive him not with flowers or clapping but with bombs and booby-trapped vehicles."

RELATED: Screw those nasty peace talks
Khaled Meshaal, the exiled political leader of Hamas, has said the group rejected a European offer for an indirect meeting with Israel to discuss an end to the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking at a rally in Damascus, the Syrian capital, on Friday to mark Hamas' 20th anniversary, Meshaal said that "some Europeans have offered us to meet indirectly with [the] Israelis to discuss a truce and we told them no and one thousands nos".

LAST WORD: Looks like Aljazeera wants a piece
A poll conducted recently on the website of Qatari satellite network Aljazeera has enraged Algerians, who feel the question advocated terrorism. The poll, which ran on the site from December 12th-15th, asked the question, "Do you support al-Qaeda's attacks in Algeria?"

The results of the poll -- which appeared just one day after two terrorist bombings in Algiers left 41 dead and 177 wounded-- were startling: of more than 30,000 respondents 57.7% said they did support the attacks, while 45.3% said they did not.
Now, despite the fact that somebody here obviously needs a little remedial arithmetic... when nearly 60 percent of those polled say... "Sure, bomb the shit out of our country, we don't care"... you've gotta suspect innumeracy may not be their biggest problem.