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22 January 2008

Surprise, surprise, surprise

Shawn Brant is back in the news...
A 16-year-old legal battle involving a well-known native dissident, a small parcel of land and the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte landed in Belleville's Superior Court of Justice Monday.

Three weeks has been set aside to hear a complex $750,000 civil lawsuit brought against Shawn Michael Brant, his father Ronald Leslie Brant and Andrew Clifford (Cliff) Miracle by the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council over the ownership of territory land along the north side of Old Highway 2.
And guess what... it involves wily white man taxpayer bucks as well.
At the same time, he said, the father-and-son team secured a $250,000 loan from Ohwistha Capital Corp. in addition to borrowing a further $180,000 from Industry Canada.
Not too surprisingly... the law of the land very quickly got tossed out the window.
"In the fall of 1992 you have a situation where a $200,000 building has been put on land where there is no signed agreement and no one has paid anything (for the land)," he said.

"And that's when the litigation starts."
Read it all.
