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28 January 2008

Soft on terror, abroad & at home

The next time you hear about some unfortunate wretch killed by a scum-sucking criminal... ask yourself... "Why are Steffi and the Pussycats blocking passage of the Conservative 'get tough on crime' bills?"
Federal Liberal Leader Stephane Dion says he won't press the Liberal-dominated Senate to push tough new gun laws through Canada's Upper House.

Bill C-10 calls for much tougher minimum sentences for gun offences and creates two new offences -- break-and-enter to steal a firearm, and robbery to steal a firearm.
More socialist horse-pucky from the party of... "Be kind to your Taliban."


RELATED: Another armed GTA home invasion

Strangely enough, farmers, hunters and gun collectors were NOT implicated... yet again.
Police said two men armed with handguns stormed into a house in the Bayview Ave. and Elgin Mills Rd. area on Sunday at 8:25 p.m. Once inside, the invaders demanded money from the three people in the house.

They fired several shots, hitting a 21-year-old man twice in the legs. He was taken to hospital, where he was recovering yesterday, police said. The other two victims weren't injured.
So who are the shooters?
The first suspect is described as a male, possibly Middle Eastern, 25 to 28 years old, average build, 6-foot-2, with a pony tail and several tattoos on his arms. He was carrying a handgun.

The second suspect is an Asian male. He was wearing a mask and carrying a handgun, police said.