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18 January 2008

New life for CFB Trenton

Just another reason to say, "Thank you, Stephen Harper."
The eye-popping numbers in federal dollars pouring into CFB Trenton may not have ended with announcements this week of major land sales and the purchase of new transport planes.

Two major projects with a combined construction value estimated at $367 million were posted Thursday on Public Works Canada procurement website, known as MERX, by Defence Construction Canada.

According to the tender calls, the government is asking for "expressions of interest" for the construction of a $156-million maintenance hangar at CFB Trenton.
And this could be the icing on the cake...
There's also speculation it will be home to the Joint Task Force 2 special forces unit. Defence department officials declined to comment on the possibility, but military analysts have said Trenton is the logical home for a new base for JTF 2 owing to the rapid deployment capability that comes with the air base adjacent to the camp.