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30 January 2008

Innocuous G and M headline...

Soft-pedals horrific, inexcusable behaviour... that has killed one baby and left another missing.
“Our belief at this point is that they probably left the house together, the girls with the father, and unfortunately they didn't make it to the neighbour's house as he did.”

Sgt. Kaeding said the body of the three-year-old girl was found, clad only in a diaper and T-shirt, between her home and a neighbour's house.
So why would a national newspaper be tiptoeing around this story?

Like real-estate... this one is all about 'location, location, location'... in this case, the Yellow Quill First Nation, east of Saskatoon.
He said there is “some concern” that alcohol use by the father may have contributed to the girls' being outside in bitter cold that felt like -50 with the wind chill factored in.


UPDATE: Second "baby" (my word) found dead

Interesting revisionism by the Globe... the original headline talked about a "missing girl"... like this was some sort of everyday "teenage runaway" thing.

Now they refer to the "second girl"... assiduously avoiding the use of the term "dead babies".

Move along folks... nothing to see here.


UPDATE2: Note... original G & M article has been replaced a number of times... is now being spun totally from father's family point-of-view.


RELATED: Toronto Sun fills in the blanks
RCMP Sgt. Brad Kaeding said a man from the community had been picked up about 5:30 a.m. suffering from frostbite and hypothermia, and was taken to hospital in nearby Kelvington.
The Globe mentions the man "asking" about his daughters... it seems the Sun has a slightly different take...
However, it wasn’t until eight hours later that the man informed police his daughters were missing.

It was so cold that humane society officials were recommending people not even allow their pets outdoors.
This one just makes me wanna put my head down and cry.

Who are these people?


LAST WORD: Surprise... there are sociopaths here too
