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21 January 2008

In Africa, one man's ethnic cleansing...

Is the next guy's re-election platform...
The Sudanese authorities have given a senior government position to a man accused of co-ordinating the Janjaweed Arab militia in Darfur.

The Janjaweed has been accused of trying to 'cleanse' Darfur of black Africans.

His appointment as a ministerial adviser will be seen as another set-back in the faltering peace process in Darfur, and is likely to increase rebel suspicions about the motivations of the authorities in Khartoum.
But where is the sainted United Nations... you might ask.

Oh, they're much too busy chasing other villains.


RELATED: It ain't just the Sudan

Remember Kenya... widely celebrated as "an African success story and land of tolerance"?
He explained how the elders blessed the young men, who then split into teams of 50 to hunt down Kikuyus with bows and arrows. He did not feel bad about shooting them, he said.

“We attack people, we burn their homes and then we take their animals,” Mr. Kibet said matter-of-factly.