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15 January 2008

Climb every mountain...

Ford every stream...
Follow every rainbow...
Till you find...
Your dream
-- LONDON (Reuters) -- Amnesty International on Tuesday called on Iran to abolish the "grotesque and horrific" practice of stoning people to death.
Now, call me crazy... I'm just not sure appealing to anyones better nature here... is a winning strategy.
"Iranian law prescribes that the stones are deliberately chosen to be large enough to cause pain, but not so large as to kill the victim immediately ... It is a particularly grotesque and horrific practice."
But, ya know, if you're gonna dream... it may as well be in colour...
As well as calling for the abolition of stoning and a moratorium on the death penalty, Amnesty also urged the Iranian government to decriminalize adultery, which is not illegal in the majority of countries.
Hey... it could happen.

In your dreams.
