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31 December 2007

You know what Lloyd?

Call me crazy, but MAYBE ANGER IS THE MOST APPROPRIATE RESPONSE to disproportionate violence and totally senseless lifetaking...
Lloyd Johnson, a councillor and friend, hung an eagle feather, a symbol of the Creator's presence, on the entrance of Bernard's small home located just metres outside the Millbrook First Nation's boundary.

"It's one of those situations that is unexplainable. It's hard to describe ... other than hurt," Johnson said as he struggled to keep his composure.

"Anger, no. Hurt, yes."
Good grief... this is the first I've heard of this woman... and the senseless violence of this attack leaves me fuming.
Police in Truro, N.S., confirmed Monday they have charged the grandson of native rights activist Nora Bernard with first-degree murder in connection with her death last week.

Police described trauma to her face and stab wounds to the upper part of her body around the neck area.

The murder weapon is believed to have been a knife but it hasn't been found, police said.