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08 December 2007

Tasers, my ass

Exactly how many Canadians die every year in alcohol related incidents?
"All five occupants of the car, a 41-year-old man, a 33-year-old woman, girls aged six and nine, and a 16-month-old boy, were pronounced dead at the scene."
To answer the question above... if you were thinking it was more than four or five per year... you'd be right.
About 3,000 people per year die in motor vehicle crashes in Canada. Of that total, 40 per cent (1,200 deaths) are attributed to alcohol.

Canadians are spending up to $25 billion annually in emergency care, rehabilitation and other costs resulting from traffic collisions.
There's a public enquiry I'd like to see.


LAST WORD: Once again, a very special welcome...

To readers of infantile, foul mouthed, proggie brown-noser Canadian Cecilia.

Remember Cecilia is all about supporting the troops.
Make sure you check out her greatest hits.