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07 December 2007

Salaam Dunk

Another "holy shit, he nailed it" moment...
"Could none of our nuanced, deep-thinking pundits really find their powers of concentration for the five seconds it takes to see why it's a bad idea to establish boards that throw out rules of evidence and give prizes to whoever can cry the hardest about being an oppressed victim with hurt feelings?"
(via FFOF)


UPDATE: Mark Steyn weighs in
"The aim of a large swathe of the left is not to win the debate but to get it cancelled before it starts."

LAST WORD: More nanny-state HRC fun
A group of Toronto-area children are asking the Ontario Human Rights Commission to force their school to launch mandatory lunch-bag inspections to screen out foods to which they have severe allergies, a case which could make all Ontario schools do the same.

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