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11 December 2007



Let's see if all the people who have been losing their minds over tasers... are equally sympathetic... in this case.
"At 7:55 a.m., we received a 911 call from a man claiming that he had just killed his daughter," Constable J.P. Valade of Peel Police said. Some of the teen's schoolmates said the Grade 11 student had rebelled against her parents recently by refusing to wear a hijab.
Funny... the Globe and Mail isn't allowing any comments on this particular article. 

The silence around this thing is deafening.
"Feminists had no response to this tragedy. They were last seen celebrating their victory over a popular doll's exaggerated breast size while advocating the unhindered destruction of unborn babies."
RELATED:  Apparently, almost everybody saw this coming
Aqsa's school chums at Applewood Heights Secondary School say she wanted to break free from the cultural restraints imposed by family. Friend Dominiquia Holmes-Thompson, 16, said Aqsa told her something could possibly "happen."
"She was scared to go home," she said. Aqsa had recently been staying with a friend and wanted to return home to get her belongings, friends said.
COMPARE AND CONTRAST:  Dalton fiddles while Ontario burns...
Premier Dalton McGuinty is considering banning smoking in a car with a child passenger, calling the behaviour "reprehensible." McGuinty said yesterday he's "listening" to the debate generated by Liberal MPP David Orazietti's private member's bill that would empower police to pull over vehicles where a child is being exposed to second-hand smoke.
Secondhand smoke - reprehensible... honour killing... silence. 

LAST WORD:  What's behind Door #2.
Ausma Khan, the editor-in-chief of Toronto-based Muslim Girl magazine, said research into the readership of her publication shows that the decision to wear the hijab – the traditional Muslim headscarf – is almost always a choice the girl makes on her own.
AND YET AGAIN: Once again, a very special welcome... 

To readers of infantile, foul mouthed, proggie brown-noser Canadian Cecilia. Remember Cecilia is all about "respect and support" for the downtrodden... as long as you're not the grieving mother of a dead Canadian soldier.
Make sure you check out her greatest hits.