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09 December 2007

Makin' a list... checkin' it twice

Just in time for Christmas... the fundamentalist sociopaths in Musa Qala get the ass-kicking they so richly deserve...
British troops were tonight poised to smash through Taleban defences after surrounding the town of Musa Qala and pushing up almost to its outskirts.

Two senior Taleban commanders were captured today as troops advanced to within a mile of the town, the Islamists' symbolic stronghold in Helmand Province.
In an all too rare flow of "cultural transference" back up the diversity mountain, the jihadis are getting an indelible lesson in the difference between "naughty and nice."
Hundreds of rebel fighters in the area have been reported killed in air strikes and probing attacks in the last few weeks in advance of the offensive, one of the most ambitious to be launched in Afghanistan since 2001.
Hey Timmy... where is your god now?