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04 December 2007

Jihadi Operating System

Seems this "suicide bomber" kept going off in the wrong neighbourhoods...
Microsoft is to withdraw an anti-piracy tool from Windows Vista, which disables the operating system when invoked, following customer complaints.

The so-called "kill switch" is designed to prevent users with illegal copies of Vista from using certain features.

But the tool has suffered from glitches since it was introduced with many Windows users claiming that legal copies of Vista had been disabled.

RELATED: Speaking of little glitches
"This is exactly how identity theft happens," said Carlisle Adams, an Internet data security expert and professor at the University of Ottawa.

"If you want to take out a mortgage, for example, this is the type of information the bank is going to ask for to make sure you're really the person you're claiming to be. Then all of a sudden there's a mortgage in someone else's name."

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