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11 December 2007

Gotta have priorities, I guess


As of 8:30 tonight, not a single word from the Canadian Islamic Congress on their website... about the 16 year-old Muslim girl who was apparently strangled by her father over her refusal to dress up in hijab. 

You'd think somebody from an Islamic Organisation would want to try and get out ahead of this public relations nightmare... but that, seemingly... is just not the case. 

The good news is... you can still get a deal on the CIC's cool, "Support Our Troops, Bring Our Kids Home" t-shirt. 

AND YET AGAIN: Once again, a very special welcome... 

To readers of infantile, foul mouthed, proggie brown-noser Canadian Cecilia. Remember Cecilia is all about "respect and support" for the downtrodden... as long as you're not the grieving mother of a dead Canadian soldier.
Make sure you check out her greatest hits.