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14 December 2007


While Steffi freaks out about global warming half a world away... there are real problems surfacing here at home...
Fish farming as it's currently practised in Canada is destroying wild salmon stocks and threatens to completely wipe them out within four years in one area of British Columbia, according to new research.

“If there are only a couple of farms, only a couple hundred thousand fish in the water, we probably wouldn't have a problem at all. But now we've just got millions and millions of salmon in net pens that aren't supposed to be there and it's really changing the dynamics of disease.
Apart from the massive environmental impact, this enterprise is also gonna scar a lot of peoples lives.
A 2002 report from B.C.'s auditor general found that wild salmon are worth more than $600 million to the provincial economy. Recreational and commercial wild salmon fisheries provided nearly 4,600 jobs.
Now... back to your global warming booga-booga.